Интернет-портал Российского общества клинической онкологии


Основные свойства неопластической клетки и базовые механизмы их возникновения

Копнин Б.П.

ФГБУ «НМИЦ онкологии им. Н.Н. Блохина» Минздрава России, Москва


1. Копнин Б.П. Мишени действия онкогенов и опухолевых супрессоров: ключ к пониманию базовых механизмов канцерогенеза (обзор). Биохимия, 2000, 65, 5-33.

2. Hanahan D., Weinberg R.A. The hallmarks of cancer. Cell, 2000, 100, 57-70.

3. Sherr C.J. Cancer cell cycles. Science, 1996, 274, 1672-1677.

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5. Sherr C.J., Roberts J.M. CDK inhibitors: positive and negative regulators of G1-phase progression Gen. Dev., 1999, 13, 1501-1512.

6. Heldin C.-H. Signal transduction: multiple pathways, multiple options for therapy. Stem Cells, 2001, 19, 295-303.

7. Schwartz M.A., Baron V. Interactions between mitogenic stimuli, or, a thousand and one connections. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol., 1999, 11, 197-202.

8. Blume-Jensen P., Hunter T. Oncogenic kinase signaling. Nature, 2001, 411, 355-365.

9. Roovers K., Assoian R.K. Integrating the MAP kinase signal into the G1 phase cell cycle machinery. BioEssays, 2000, 22, 818-826.

10. Evan G.I, Vousden K.H. Proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis in cancer. Nature, 2001, 411, 342-348.

11. Green D.R. Apoptotic pathways: the roads to ruin. Cell, 1998, 94, 695-698.

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16. Schmitt C.A., Lowe S.W. Apoptosis and therapy. J. Pathol., 1999, 187, 127-137.

17. DePinho R.A. The age of cancer. Nature, 2000, 408, 248-254.

18. Sherr C.J., DePinho R.A. Cellular Senescence: Mitotic Clock or Culture Shock? Cell, 2000, 102, 407-410.

19. Shay J.W., Wright D.E. When do telomeres matter? Science, 2001, 291, 839-840.

20. Enver T., Greaves M. Loops, lineage, and leukemia. Cell, 1998, 94, 9-12.

21. Zhu, L. & Skoultchi, A. I. Coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev., 2001, 11, 91-97.

22. Saaristo A., Karpanen T., Alitalo K. Mechanisms of angiogenesis and their use in the inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis. Oncogene, 2000, 19, 6122-6129.

23. McClatchey A.I. Modeling metastasis in the mouse. Oncogene, 1999, 18, 5334-5339.

24. Lengauer C., Kinzler K.W., Vogelstein B. Genetic instabilities in human cancers. Nature, 1998, 396, 643-649.

25. Ponder B.A.J. Cancer genetics. Nature, 2001, 411, 336-341.

26. Gray, J. W. & Collins, C. Genome changes and gene expression in human solid tumors. Carcinogenesis, 2000, 21, 443-452.

27. The Genetic Basis of Human Cancer. Eds Vogelstein B., Kinzler, K.W. McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.